How 7/10 Came to be Celebrated 

How 7/10 Came to be Celebrated 

Dispensaries are flooded during your typical holiday weekend. Afterall, cannaconsumers love to celebrate! Those who love cannabis have even founded their own holidays. Almost everyone knows that 4/20 is the unofficial national weed day, but do you know about 7/10 the unofficial National Dab Day? 7/10 hasn’t been celebrated as long as 4/20 but it grows in popularity year after year. We’re going to take a deeper look into 7/10 and its humble rise from street slang into the average cannaconsumer vocabulary. So, let’s kick back in the cut, fire one up and learn about some holiday weed stuff.  

Where Did It Come From? 

Did you know, 710 spun 180 degrees spells OIL?! Oil has been associated with cannabis concentrates longer than any other slang term as hash oil is one of the first known uses of cannabis concentrates. 710 would then become a slang term for dabs by street dealers and enter the Urban Dictionary in 2010. In 2011, Rap star TaskRok of Highly Educated began to use the term in interviews and in conversation with other artists. That same year he released an album under the group Task & Linus titled The Movement full of cannabis references, including the song 7:10. He was very vocal about the benefits of dabbing while downplaying the benefits of traditional smoking. Without a doubt, dabbing exploded in popularity between 2010 and 2013.  

Why Did It Become Celebrated? 

As all things cannabis became more accepted and grew in popularity, those who are active in cannabis culture naturally sought out more days to celebrate our culture. 7/10 didn’t really become celebrated until 2013 when LA Weekly dropped an article titled 7/10 Is the New 4/20. The term 710 was spreading with its newfound notoriety, even 420 glass cleaner released a new formula for oil rigs called 710. Now, 710 was visible in most smoke shops and people began to ask questions and wanted to become educated on its history. The more dabbing grew in popularity, the quicker cannaconsumers took to own 7/10 as another one of our cherished holidays. Today 7/10 is almost as well-known as 4/20 when it comes to green holidays and shows no signs of slowing down! 

And So, We Dab 

So, on 7/10 we dab. We dab together to be social and celebrate the wonderful culture we all live in, a onetime counterculture that is now just culture. With that said, you should probably get stocked up for the holiday and boy do we have some recommendations! Unfortunately, we don’t carry any oils on the site, but you can stop into our East Dubuque location and try our amazing THC-A Badder. The selection is ever changing but the Vanilla Frosty is to die for! Don’t worry, if you aren’t a dabber, carts are oil too so you can still join in the festivities. Not sure what to pick and need more information, just check out this Dabs: The Sleeping Giant of THC Products article. No matter what your plans are for 7/10, take a moment and reflect on how far the world has come to celebrate a day like it and enjoy the holiday. If you want to stay up to date on the latest deals and article SIGN UP for our free email group. 

4 Things to Remember When Vaping This Summer 

4 Things to Remember When Vaping This Summer 

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy. Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high. That’s right summertime is back and that means sun times and fun times. Let’s say that the cotton won’t be the only thing that is high. Cannaconsumers are on the move during the summertime. There are hikes to be had, boats or tubes to be floated on, the warm crisp summer air to fill your nose, and strains to be smoked. With the rampant pace to enjoy summer while it lasts, many cannaconsumers rely on vaping to fill their needs due to their discreet and easy use in almost every situation. Yet, their convenience comes with some caveats. Here are four things to remember when vaping this summer. 

Vape Carts are 2/3 Mogwai 

Summer brings with it lovely sunshine and wild wet outdoor adventures. However, much like owning a Mogwai, it shares 2/3 of the same rules of ownership if you want the best experience. For those completely lost, Gizmo, from the movie Gremlins, Gremlins 2, and hopefully soon Gremlins 3, was a Mogwai and caused some antics. 

  1. First, keep it out of direct light and heat as much as possible! 
  2. Heat and light can cause the oil to thin out resulting in leaks and loss of flavor.   
  3. Second, don’t get them wet.  
  4. Electronic devices don’t like moisture, so keep it as dry as possible. 

Handle those two tips and you avoid your Mogwai going all Gremlin and becoming a problem. Can’t find anything that says you can’t feed it after midnight, but I bet it will have you eating after midnight. 

Don’t Overwork Your Device 

Summer brings the social out of all of us and cannabis consumption is social by nature. The increased heat and passing of vapes can lead to problems. Exposing your vape to rapid hits in short succession can drain the battery, cause the oil to thicken causing clogs, and worst-case scenario kill the battery all together. If you are going to share or are just a heavy consumer, be sure to give your vape extra time to cool down after every few hits. This may seem like a pain, but it will save you money in the long run. 

Keep It Clean 

First off, no matter how hard you try you will probably leave you vape in a place too hot for it at least once. Nobody is perfect. This can lead to clogs and seepage from your vape. You can help reduce this by keeping an eye on a few things.  

  1. First, keep the airway clear. If you start struggling to pull on you vape, you probably have the beginnings of a clog. You can keep airways clear by using a toothpick or paperclip to gently clear debris. 
  1.  If you are using a disposable vape, there is normally a hole near the charging port that you can blow through until vapor comes out the mouthpiece clearing the clog. 
  1. If you are using a traditional cart and pen set up, make sure to regularly clean the threading and contacts with alcohol.  

Don’t Vape and Drive 

We know you have places to go and people to see but do not vape and drive. This goes 365 days a year, but many people test their luck in warmer weather. The windows are down, and you don’t think anyone will smell it, you’re on a boat and don’t think anyone is out there to catch you, or you’re riding a bike on a trail and don’t think it will harm anything. You’d be wrong and put yourself and others in danger. In all three cases you can and will be ticketed for operating under the influence. According to Pennsylvania v. Mimms, you must obey officer’s commands while detained, including but not limited to being separated from your transportation, allowing a frisk for weapons, and a field sobriety test when required. Not adhering to an officer’s commands only leads to headaches or worse for both of you. Have fun, respect others, and be safe out there. 

Strain of the Month: Cereal Milk 

Strain of the Month: Cereal Milk 

From Breakfast to Baked 

Cereal Milk feels and tastes like someone plucked the warmest nostalgic memory from your mind and planted it for all to enjoy. An enchanting flower born of wonder and love; the plant traces its lineage back to the geniuses at Cookies. Cereal Milk can stand toe to toe with most stains and hit just as hard. It doesn’t matter if you eat edibles infused with it, vape it, dab it, or smoke it, Cereal Milk hits the spot, so let’s look a little deeper into where this strain came from and what it is all about.  

Cereal Milk doesn’t come from a notable lineage like LA Kush Cake. The biproduct of two relatively unknown strains, Snowman and Y-Life, Cereal Milk didn’t enter the market with a prebuilt reputation but quickly earned one. Ceral Milk’s reputation has made it a strain in demand. Ceral Milk can be found in most dispensaries and in many consumers homes. It has overcome an unheralded introduction to become a strain that many smokers have grown to love for both its medicinal and recreational effects. 


Cereal Milk is a fairly balanced hybrid that generally tests between 20-25% THC and leans ever so slightly sativa. It is beloved by indica and sativa smokers alike. The strain will make you feel like Goldie Locks. It’s not too heavy, it’s not too light, it’s just right like the little bear’s porridge. Cereal Milk is a well-rounded strain that offers a little something for everyone who tries it and most come back for more. 

Aroma and Taste 

Cereal Milk’s taste and aroma are true to its name. The buds are gorgeous and smell like fruit, mostly berries. The creamy sensation comes on once you spark it up. The mixture of those two overwhelming flavors gives the strain its name. Hidden under those sweet delights are subtle tones of spice. This strain is nothing short of mouthwatering. Check out our terpenes blog for a more detailed overview of all terpenes.

Strain Effects 

Cereal Milk is known for having the mentally uplifting effects of a sativa while maintaining the pain reducing effects of an indica. It provides the consumer with a euphoric anxiety free social experience while still helping to manage any pain they are in. Many consumers report that Cereal Milk is great at fighting off migraines. Ceral Milk first began to earn its reputation in medicinal cannabis dispensaries all over the country. 

Should You Try It? 

Cereal Milk is a near perfectly balanced hybrid allowing all varieties of consumers to enjoy it in whatever way they see fit. It has become a workhorse of the industry for that very reason. Cereal Milk isn’t just for breakfast anymore. It is good for any occasion. Because of its modest lineage, it almost all exceeds even the most cynical smoker’s expectations.  Cereal Milk has its foothold in the industry and looks to continue its ascent toward the top. If you haven’t had the pleasure of indulging in a bit of Cereal Milk, you’ve unknowingly denied yourself the chance of trying one of the more innovative strains in recent memory. Fear not though; it can be rectified. We suggest you rush out to try it immediately and judge for yourself.    

Cannabis and The Military: An Outlaw Love Song  

Cannabis and The Military: An Outlaw Love Song  

Serving our country can be extremely stressful and certainly takes a toll on the body. Even though cannabinoids could be helpful to those who serve, it is a military no-no. Though the United States government strictly prohibits cannabis use by military personnel, the government has been researching cannabis for military applications for over one hundred years. After service, many veterans turn to cannabis for its therapeutic effects in favor of heavier pharmaceutical medications. Like star-crossed lovers, veterans and marijuana seem destined to find each other. Continue reading to learn a bit more about the government’s sorted history with cannabis, the effects the Vietnam War has had on cannabis culture, and why many veterans turn to cannabis after service. So, kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some history stuff. 

Uncle Sam’s Curiosity with Weed 

The government’s curiosity with weed may have started in the mid 1910’s when Frank Meyer, known as the plant hunter, introduced indicas to the United States for the first time after an expedition to Asia on behalf of the USDA and began comparative research of indica and sativa strains. By WWII, Harry J Anslinger’s propaganda campaign had swayed government attention away from possible medical applications and toward a strict no tolerance policy of the plant.  

Against the grain, Roger Adams began isolating cannabinoids for possible military use as an in-battle sedative for wounded soldiers and a possible treatment for shell shock (early term for PTSD). Though they had no interest in the medical research Adams conducted, they needed him to win the war and allowed him to continue his research into cannabis. They would never use his cannabinoid research for official military applications. 

In 1974, D. Gold synthesized THC acetate ester, also known as THC-O, when the country was still at war with Vietnam. The First War was extensively covered on television, and it painted the horrors of war in technicolor and led to research into non-lethal incapacitants. So, Uncle Sam set out to weaponize THC-O. Tests on its effectiveness were run during the dying days of the shameful Edgewood Arsenal experiments, which ran from 1948-1975. In those experiments, Uncle Sam tested low-level chemical warfare on human subjects. This program was the predecessor of the much more recognized project MKUltra. 

Heroes Among Heroes 

The Vietnam War was instrumental in cannabis culture and future medicinal research. 1/3 of our troops were drafted and not ready for a gruesome war and even those who volunteered weren’t ready for what they saw. Troops needed something to help them cope after battle and would find a new type of cannabis to them but one common to locals, we call it indica. They found it so effective they would smuggle seeds back and introduce indica flowers to the USA on a large scale when they returned stateside, but they were coming home with a shell shock, now coined PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. Shell shock had a new name and PTSD was officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980. The US Department of Veterans Affairs estimates at least 7% of veterans will battle PTSD at some point after service with the number significantly increasing among combat vets. 

What Happens When Johnny Comes Marching Home? 

Being veteran owned, RiverBluff employs several veterans and sees the obstacles they deal with. Military veterans are accustomed to living a regimented life. When relieved of service, their bodies can be beaten up and their minds weary. The VA’s first line of treatment usually involves opiates and heavy psychotropic medications which can be invasive on the regimented lives they’ve grown to know. DJ Loeffelholz, a co-owner of RiverBluff and former member of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division, described his PTSD medical experience like this: 

When I finished up and got home, I looked for help treating my PTSD. They gave me pills and I didn’t like how they made me feel. I didn’t feel like me. After a bit, I asked my doctor if they were any other options and though he couldn’t prescribe it to me he recommended cannabis.” 

Corey Anderson, general manager of RiverBluff, served 22 years in United States Coast Guard. He retired as part of the Deployable Specialized Forces as a Senior Chief Petty Officer and had this to say about his experience and his of cannabis: 

“I didn’t really consume cannabis before I enlisted, maybe a couple of times, and certainly didn’t smoke while enlisted. After 22 years, my body and mind were worn out. My body ached and I struggled to sleep. I wasn’t happy with the course of treatment I as taking, so I looked elsewhere and found cannabis. I only smoke socially but consume edibles to sleep and use topicals for aches and pains.” 

DJ’s story, and ones like Corey’s, echoed that of many other veterans and played a factor in the founding of this company, so we could make THC products and other cannabinoids more accessible for everyone regardless of ailment. RiverBluff is proud of our armed services, and we salute their efforts. We hope you enjoyed this article, and, and if you have story to share, please post it in the comments. We’d love to hear it!  

RiverBluff You’re My Only Dope: Star Wars and Weed  

RiverBluff You’re My Only Dope: Star Wars and Weed  

Science fiction and cannabis are a match made in the cosmos. They both allow a chance for the mind to escape and wonder, so naturally they’d come together. Science fiction is a beloved genre, and the Star Wars Universe may be the most beloved of all. If you are Star Wars fan, a cannabis smoker, or both, there is high likelihood you’ve had a lengthy conversation about Star Wars. In this article, we will cover just how closely weed and Star Wars are linked by recalling some past stories about the cast, and the weed smoking antics that influenced a movie that inspired a generation. So, kick back in the cut, fire one up and let’s learn about some Star Wars stuff. 

Han Solo Sold Weed? 

Before becoming Han Solo and Indiana Jones, the megastar, Harrison Ford, spent ten years in Hollywood working as a carpenter, taking bit roles, and selling weed to LA’s most elite. Michele Phillips of the iconic 60’s band, The Mamas and The Papas, went to the theater to Star Wars and when seeing Ford on screen she exclaimed, “That’s My Pot Dealer!” Philips wasn’t the only high-profile music act Ford supplied in the 60’s though it is also believed he supplied Jim Morrison and the Doors1. How cool is that?! 

Princess Leia Was Down to Smoke! 

Princess Leia and Han Solo provided one of the most recognizable love stories in science fiction history. Their chemistry came off so effortlessly because behind the scenes they were getting high AF and getting busy like bunnies for three months. Carrie would go on to claim the Ford’s weed was so powerful it made her forget the year 19762

Even The Wookies Were Stoned? 

There has been a long-standing rumor among some Star Wars fans that the specie’s name for Chewbacca, Wookie, was adlibbed by voice actor Terry McGovern while stoned on the Star Wars set. This is factually false. Terry McGovern did indeed coin the term “Wookie”, while under the influence but it came while filming Lucas’s earlier film THX 1138. Terry was describing a wild animal he had hit with his car and told Lucas, “It was a Wookie.”3 Lucas liked the term so much he kept it to use in a future movie. 

Why Does the Villain of This Kevin Smith Movie Look Like a Jedi? 

Mark Hamill is not known to smoke marijuana, but he did appear as a jedi of sorts in the beloved stoner classic Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back directed by regular High Times cover boy, Kevin Smith. Hamill played Cockknocker a nostalgic spoof of his most famous character. As the villain, Hamill battled Bluntman and Chronic with bong-sabers and force like abilities. Carrie Fisher also appeared in the film making the film play like a pothead’s love letter to Star Wars.  

A Connection That Will Last Forever 

Star Wars has embedded itself in cannabis culture so much that there are many strains named after the franchise: Skywalker, Master Yoda, Death Star, Ewok, C3PO, and the list goes on and on4. Even if you’ve never seen one of the films there is good chance you smoked a strain with Star Wars lineage. No matter where you fall in Venn diagram of cannabis enthusiasts and Star Wars fans, remember Star Wars Day is day to relax and let your mind wonder about the spectacles of what is possible. Stop by to get in our deals for 5/4 and 5/5 and 15% off our hemp-derived Delta 9 THC 50mg  Starmen Gummies and 5mg Crunchy Balls to celebrate. Have a happy holiday from RiverBluff and may the fourth be with you. 

3 Very Visible Villains of Weed 

3 Very Visible Villains of Weed 

We’ve already talked about some Heroes of Weed (check that out here) but there can’t be heroes without antagonists. For false narratives to spread there needs to be the propagandists, those who place the roadblocks for the heroes to overcome. Cannabis and hemp have had their fair share of villains. The list is long and highly distinguished, but we are going to narrow it down to three for this article: The man that started the war of weed, the rich people who financed it, and the beloved first lady that propagated their message decades later. So, kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some weed stuff. 

Harry J Anslinger 

Harry J Anslinger was the first and longest running Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.  Harry used his position to start the war on “marihuana” to help further his racist agenda. For example, marihuana was changed to marijuana in propaganda to make it sound more foreign. He used the war on drugs to target minority and immigrant groups1 and jazz musicians specifically, many of which were also minorities. He even kept a file titled, “Marijuana and Musicians”2. Harry drafted and helped rally support for the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 prohibiting cannabis in the United States for the first time. He painted a picture of cannabis being of the highest public concern with quotes like this, “The primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerated races3.” He held office from 1930-1962 continuing to spread hate and hysteria and would be the primary influence on almost all the villains of weed.  

William Randolph Hearst & The Du Pont Family 

William Randolph Hearst was a newspaper magnet and one of the richest people of the 1900’s. Hearst’s papers employed the tactic of “yellow journalism” which focused on shock value more than reporting actual news4. Though not proven, many believe Hearst to have had a large stake in the timber industry and worried hemp would replace wood as pulp for paper. William Randolph Hearst wasn’t the only rich aristocrat with something to gain by a hemp prohibition. Enter the Du Pont family, currently one of the richest families in the world. Du Pont started development on a new synthetic fiber known as nylon in 19275. The rising popularity of hemp as a quick growing easy to harvest textile posed an issue for Du Pont just like it had for Hearst. Together they solved their problems the way most rich people who want to flex their power solve problems. They threw money at it by helping to finance Anslinger’s crazy propaganda campaign that left cannabis prohibited for recreational use until 2012. 

Nancy Reagan 

Nancy Reagan is one of the most beloved first ladies of modern times. Always smiling and wearing a red dress, she became an institution in our country. Nancy seems like a nice lady, but she falls on this list due to toeing the party line. Nancy was First Lady of California from 1967-1975. During this time, California Senator Richard Nixon, soon to be President Richard Nixon, started his war on counterculture6 in the state targeting hippies, and as per usual in the crusade against cannabis, minorities. As Nixon rose to presidency, the Reagan’s continued the counterculture battle with Nancy particularly invested in demonizing marijuana. When Ronald Reagan became president, Nancy became First Lady of the United States, and her mission was to continue the war on drugs. Nancy coined the phrase, “Just Say No” which would become one of the most recognizable anti-drug campaigns ever7. The campaign ignored the medicinal effects of marijuana. It spawned the program D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Program) which taught children that cannabis was just as dangerous as cocaine and heroin. During her time as first lady, a new wave of propaganda was spread that would have made Anslinger blush. Cannabis consumers were painted as the dreads of society, dumb, lazy, and unemployable. Those stereotypes are still battled by canna-consumers today. 

A Final Note on The Villains of Weed 

These are just a few of the villains of weed. They were some of the most powerful people in the country if not the world, and yet, we are finally starting to get out of the shadows of their propaganda. One thing is undeniable, if the love of a plant can overcome obstacles put in place by dominant foes, with hard work and dedication, almost anything is possible.  

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