The evolution of THC consumption has rapidly increased by way of concentrates. These high-powered extracts have been the daring of long-time canna-consumers, and more newcomers are tying them as well! From carts to dabs, the new darlings have overshadowed the old standard of concentrates like Bubble Hash to the point where many have forgotten what it is and does.
Luckily, we are here to remind you of the uses and joys of our hemp-derived THCA Bubble Hash. So, kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some weed stuff.
History of Hash
The term hash is derived from the word “hashish”. The first mentions of hashish date back to the late 10th century. Hashish was first developed as way to easily transport the resins created by the plant. Early means of consumption were simply eating the straight THC resin, but as you can imagine, it isn’t the best taste in the world. Hash went through many incarnations and consumption methods before Bubble Hash became the belle of the ball.
Bubble Hash was introduced to the western world in a High Times ad, of all places, by David Paul Watson aka Skunkman Sam in 1987. Over the years, pioneers such as Mila Jansen, aka Hash Queen, and Marcus Gary Richardson, aka Bubbleman, helped refine the process of extraction to give us the versatile high-peered product we know & enjoy today.

Bubble Hash: What it Looks Like and How to Consume It!
Bubble Hash has a sandy-like consistency that is often pressed into all shapes and sizes. It is most commonly consumed via smoking or using it to make edibles. Smoking Bubble Hash on its own isn’t for the faint of heart. It can be consumed via dabbing, though it makes quite the mess.
Most who consume bubble hash on its own use a good old fashioned water bong, or gravity bong, for the truly insane. Bubble Hash most commonly ends up as bong or bowl topper to add to your flower or as blend-in for your joints. You can learn methods of adding it to your joints HERE.
The last option is to cook with it! It can blend with most butters and oils to cook, but remember, with Bubble Hash a little goes a long way. Your dosage can be based on how much hash you use regardless of medium. 1g is 1000mg. You will lose some of that in the cooking process, but it is always better to air on the side of caution and just count it as though none of it dissipated. As an example, if you are looking for 10mg pieces you’d need to have 100 servings.
RiverBluff Collective’s Bubble Hash
We try to have at least 1 strain of bubble hash on hand at all times. The strains can vary and are only available in-store. If you want to give it a whirl, it is best to call the store to see what strain we have in it just to make sure it suits your tastes. Remember, your budtender is your friend! If you are curious about a product, ask and they will tell you all they know on the topic to make sure you make an informed decision. To stay up to date on all things RiverBluff Collective SIGN UP for our email group to stay in the know. Thank you for reading and you can find more articles HERE.