Bubble Hash: The Concentrate Time Forgot 

Bubble Hash: The Concentrate Time Forgot 

The evolution of THC consumption has rapidly increased by way of concentrates. These high-powered extracts have been the daring of long-time canna-consumers, and more newcomers are tying them as well! From carts to dabs, the new darlings have overshadowed the old standard of concentrates like Bubble Hash to the point where many have forgotten what it is and does.  

Luckily, we are here to remind you of the uses and joys of our hemp-derived THCA Bubble Hash. So, kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some weed stuff. 

History of Hash 

The term hash is derived from the word “hashish”. The first mentions of hashish date back to the late 10th century. Hashish was first developed as way to easily transport the resins created by the plant. Early means of consumption were simply eating the straight THC resin, but as you can imagine, it isn’t the best taste in the world. Hash went through many incarnations and consumption methods before Bubble Hash became the belle of the ball.  

Bubble Hash was introduced to the western world in a High Times ad, of all places, by David Paul Watson aka Skunkman Sam in 1987. Over the years, pioneers such as Mila Jansen, aka Hash Queen, and Marcus Gary Richardson, aka Bubbleman, helped refine the process of extraction to give us the versatile high-peered product we know & enjoy today. 

Bubble Hash: What it Looks Like and How to Consume It! 

Bubble Hash has a sandy-like consistency that is often pressed into all shapes and sizes. It is most commonly consumed via smoking or using it to make edibles. Smoking Bubble Hash on its own isn’t for the faint of heart. It can be consumed via dabbing, though it makes quite the mess.  

Most who consume bubble hash on its own use a good old fashioned water bong, or gravity bong, for the truly insane. Bubble Hash most commonly ends up as bong or bowl topper to add to your flower or as blend-in for your joints. You can learn methods of adding it to your joints HERE.  

The last option is to cook with it! It can blend with most butters and oils to cook, but remember, with Bubble Hash a little goes a long way. Your dosage can be based on how much hash you use regardless of medium. 1g is 1000mg. You will lose some of that in the cooking process, but it is always better to air on the side of caution and just count it as though none of it dissipated. As an example, if you are looking for 10mg pieces you’d need to have 100 servings. 

RiverBluff Collective’s Bubble Hash 

We try to have at least 1 strain of bubble hash on hand at all times. The strains can vary and are only available in-store. If you want to give it a whirl, it is best to call the store to see what strain we have in it just to make sure it suits your tastes. Remember, your budtender is your friend! If you are curious about a product, ask and they will tell you all they know on the topic to make sure you make an informed decision. To stay up to date on all things RiverBluff Collective SIGN UP for our email group to stay in the know. Thank you for reading and you can find more articles HERE

5 Best Winter Products at RiverBluff Collective 

5 Best Winter Products at RiverBluff Collective 

The air grows frigid as people start to spend more time inside. Winter is coming! The change in seasons can change the routine of a cannaconsumer and sometimes even the products they consume. People often want ways to consume more incognito when indoors, fast when outdoors, something in the spirit of winter, and something to gift to someone or themselves. Luckily, you can find all of that with our hemp-derived THC products at RiverBluff Collective!  So, kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about our favorite wintertime products. 

Chocolate Bars for Hot Chocolate 

Our delicious chocolate bars melt smoothly in hot milk or water to make delectable variations of hot chocolate. Make a peppermint paddy with our mint bar, use the s’mores bar to make a Campfire hot chocolate, or pick up a classic milk chocolate bar to get the iconic taste you know & love. If you want something more experimental, try our French toast bar for a mix of fall and winter! For those looking for a nighttime snack, try our cookies and cream bars! You can get all of these bars in-store or online HERE

Vape Pens 

With the colder temps, people who like to smoke often look for alternative ways to consume so as not to face the weather (or at least limit the time they do so!) Vapes work extremely well for this purpose. Many people and places still allow vaping indoors while smoking is strictly prohibited in those same places. If you are a traditional herb smoker, a good vape can save you a lot of headaches. There is no need fight your lighter against the elements, many places can’t distinguish between an herb and nicotine vape allowing you to fly under the radar inside, and if you must go outside, it takes fewer pulls off a concentrate vape to get the desired effects, limiting your time shivering. Unfortunately, our vapes are only available in-store but you can check out the smokables page to get an idea of products and pricing. It is always a good idea to call ahead to check availability of certain strains as they rotate often! 

Mini Pre-Roll Packs 

Mini pre-roll packs, often referred to as “dog walkers”, are packs of joints ranging from .35g-.5g joints. Our .35g packs come with 8 in a pack for 2.8g total and our .5g packs come 6 per pack for an even 3g. These minis are perfect for limiting time outdoors and preventing illness as they are meant for a single person. The great thing is they come in packs so you can just give one to a friend for the holiday spirit and avoid exchanging the common cold & more. These products are also only available in-store but can also be found on our smokables page!  

A Bud Vase  

Bud Vases are esthetically pleasing and functional! When not in use, the vase looks like a wonderful piece of flower glass art but can be quickly adapted to make it a bong like you’ve never hit before. These beauties hide in plain sight and often go unnoticed. They make for a great gift for the cannaconsumer in your life or for a gift for yourself after completing all your holiday shopping. These are only available in store so stop in and say high to our budtenders are ask them to show you one. 

RiverBluff DRINKS! 

Maybe the best option on the list as it covers all the bases. No need to go out outside, no need to inhale anything, super incognito, and easy to share!. We have seltzers and soda pop in both low dose options and as well as shots in higher dose options both online and instore. These are great for get togethers where others may be drinking spirits, and you don’t, or for a gathering of canna-consumers that don’t want to smoke outside. If you’ve never tried a hemp-derived THC infused drink, there is no time like the present! 

Thank You for reading this article! To stay up to date on all the latest deals and articles offered by RiverBluff Collective, SIGN UP for our email group to stay in the know. Keep blazing and stay amazing, 

A Labor Day Picnic for You 

A Labor Day Picnic for You 

Summer is ending, the leaves will soon be changing color, but we still have one more summer holiday to celebrate, Labor Day! The true last big party weekend of the summer, Labor Day, has an old and fascinating history that deserves to be learned about and celebrated and RiverBluff Collective wants you to celebrate and learn with us. Get ready to learn more about Labor Day and some fun hemp-derived THC products to help you celebrate. Kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some Labor Day stuff!

Origin of Labor Day 

In the late 1800’s with the rise of unions and the labor movements of the time, the leaders of these groups took inspiration for days celebrating labor in Canada and began celebrating various labor days around the country. Most historians trace Labor Day back to September of 1882; however, two men sharing similar names and jobs are often credited with its invention. The most commonly accepted origin of the holiday is accredited to Matthew Maguire, secretary of the Central Labor Union of New York. The other accepted origin of Labor Day is accredited to Peter J. McGuire, the president of the American Federation of Labor. Regardless of who originated the holiday, its intentions didn’t vary. Labor Day is meant to celebrate the hard work people put in over the year and spend some extra time with family and friends. In its early days, unions and companies would throw picnics for workers and families to enjoy and relax. 

When Labor Day Became a Recognized Holiday 

Oregon became the first state to recognize Labor Day as a holiday in 1887. By 1894, a majority of states had adopted Labor Day. In that same year Congress passed legislation to make Labor Day an official federal holiday and it was signed into law by President Grover Clevland. This was a first step but not in the right direction as the holiday only applied to federal workers and alienated the workers who had fought for it. That alienation led to continued strikes into the 1930’s, until all workers were allowed the day off or holiday pay when Labor Day was changed from a federal holiday to a statutory holiday by the individual states. 

Products to Enjoy on Labor Day 

Let’s build a RiverBluff Collective picnic basket in honor of the early labor days! They say don’t wear white after Labor Day, but they didn’t say anything about white chocolate. Look at RiverBluff Collective’s Cookies and Cream or French Toast bars. These chocolate bars are great for incognito consumption if at an event! What would Labor Day be without a drink or two? Not everyone is a fan of alcohol, so RiverBluff Collective offers a variety of drinks. For those looking for something light they have their 4mg THC hemp-infused seltzers in three crips flavors, Strawberry Acai Lemonade, Pineapple, and Lemon. For those looking to a bit bigger dose they have 10mg and 50mg options in their Bluff Pops. If you are with people who like to burn, you can’t beat an Apple Tart pre-roll finding its way into your basket! 

Enjoy the Day 

Remember, Labor Day is a day meant for relaxation, reflection on the work you’ve done, and spending time with friends, family, or just good people. It is the last gasp of summer, so try to enjoy some outside time if you can. Appreciate yourself, appreciate your coworkers, and appreciate all the hard work that has been done in this world to make it a holiday to be celebrated! Want to stay up to date with all things RiverBluff Collective? SIGN UP for their email group to be sent the latest deals and articles as they become available. 

Strain of the Month: Cereal Milk 

Strain of the Month: Cereal Milk 

From Breakfast to Baked 

Cereal Milk feels and tastes like someone plucked the warmest nostalgic memory from your mind and planted it for all to enjoy. An enchanting flower born of wonder and love; the plant traces its lineage back to the geniuses at Cookies. Cereal Milk can stand toe to toe with most stains and hit just as hard. It doesn’t matter if you eat edibles infused with it, vape it, dab it, or smoke it, Cereal Milk hits the spot, so let’s look a little deeper into where this strain came from and what it is all about.  

Cereal Milk doesn’t come from a notable lineage like LA Kush Cake. The biproduct of two relatively unknown strains, Snowman and Y-Life, Cereal Milk didn’t enter the market with a prebuilt reputation but quickly earned one. Ceral Milk’s reputation has made it a strain in demand. Ceral Milk can be found in most dispensaries and in many consumers homes. It has overcome an unheralded introduction to become a strain that many smokers have grown to love for both its medicinal and recreational effects. 


Cereal Milk is a fairly balanced hybrid that generally tests between 20-25% THC and leans ever so slightly sativa. It is beloved by indica and sativa smokers alike. The strain will make you feel like Goldie Locks. It’s not too heavy, it’s not too light, it’s just right like the little bear’s porridge. Cereal Milk is a well-rounded strain that offers a little something for everyone who tries it and most come back for more. 

Aroma and Taste 

Cereal Milk’s taste and aroma are true to its name. The buds are gorgeous and smell like fruit, mostly berries. The creamy sensation comes on once you spark it up. The mixture of those two overwhelming flavors gives the strain its name. Hidden under those sweet delights are subtle tones of spice. This strain is nothing short of mouthwatering. Check out our terpenes blog for a more detailed overview of all terpenes.

Strain Effects 

Cereal Milk is known for having the mentally uplifting effects of a sativa while maintaining the pain reducing effects of an indica. It provides the consumer with a euphoric anxiety free social experience while still helping to manage any pain they are in. Many consumers report that Cereal Milk is great at fighting off migraines. Ceral Milk first began to earn its reputation in medicinal cannabis dispensaries all over the country. 

Should You Try It? 

Cereal Milk is a near perfectly balanced hybrid allowing all varieties of consumers to enjoy it in whatever way they see fit. It has become a workhorse of the industry for that very reason. Cereal Milk isn’t just for breakfast anymore. It is good for any occasion. Because of its modest lineage, it almost all exceeds even the most cynical smoker’s expectations.  Cereal Milk has its foothold in the industry and looks to continue its ascent toward the top. If you haven’t had the pleasure of indulging in a bit of Cereal Milk, you’ve unknowingly denied yourself the chance of trying one of the more innovative strains in recent memory. Fear not though; it can be rectified. We suggest you rush out to try it immediately and judge for yourself.    

Is Marijuana Legal at the Federal Level?

Is Marijuana Legal at the Federal Level?

No. Federal law classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), meaning that the government doesn’t recognize its medical use and considers it a substance of high risk for abuse. Possessing, growing, transporting, and distributing marijuana is a federal felony.

Individual laws that have legalized marijuana for recreational or medical use have challenged the federal government, creating a contradiction between the rights of states to create their own regulations and the federal government’s power.

However, the federal government has decided not to interfere with marijuana legalization in states that have decided to do so. In 2009, the Obama administration instructed federal prosecutors not to chase people distributing marijuana following state medical cannabis laws.

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