Summer is ending, the leaves will soon be changing color, but we still have one more summer holiday to celebrate, Labor Day! The true last big party weekend of the summer, Labor Day, has an old and fascinating history that deserves to be learned about and celebrated and RiverBluff Collective wants you to celebrate and learn with us. Get ready to learn more about Labor Day and some fun hemp-derived THC products to help you celebrate. Kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some Labor Day stuff!

Origin of Labor Day
In the late 1800’s with the rise of unions and the labor movements of the time, the leaders of these groups took inspiration for days celebrating labor in Canada and began celebrating various labor days around the country. Most historians trace Labor Day back to September of 1882; however, two men sharing similar names and jobs are often credited with its invention. The most commonly accepted origin of the holiday is accredited to Matthew Maguire, secretary of the Central Labor Union of New York. The other accepted origin of Labor Day is accredited to Peter J. McGuire, the president of the American Federation of Labor. Regardless of who originated the holiday, its intentions didn’t vary. Labor Day is meant to celebrate the hard work people put in over the year and spend some extra time with family and friends. In its early days, unions and companies would throw picnics for workers and families to enjoy and relax.

When Labor Day Became a Recognized Holiday
Oregon became the first state to recognize Labor Day as a holiday in 1887. By 1894, a majority of states had adopted Labor Day. In that same year Congress passed legislation to make Labor Day an official federal holiday and it was signed into law by President Grover Clevland. This was a first step but not in the right direction as the holiday only applied to federal workers and alienated the workers who had fought for it. That alienation led to continued strikes into the 1930’s, until all workers were allowed the day off or holiday pay when Labor Day was changed from a federal holiday to a statutory holiday by the individual states.
Products to Enjoy on Labor Day
Let’s build a RiverBluff Collective picnic basket in honor of the early labor days! They say don’t wear white after Labor Day, but they didn’t say anything about white chocolate. Look at RiverBluff Collective’s Cookies and Cream or French Toast bars. These chocolate bars are great for incognito consumption if at an event! What would Labor Day be without a drink or two? Not everyone is a fan of alcohol, so RiverBluff Collective offers a variety of drinks. For those looking for something light they have their 4mg THC hemp-infused seltzers in three crips flavors, Strawberry Acai Lemonade, Pineapple, and Lemon. For those looking to a bit bigger dose they have 10mg and 50mg options in their Bluff Pops. If you are with people who like to burn, you can’t beat an Apple Tart pre-roll finding its way into your basket!
Enjoy the Day
Remember, Labor Day is a day meant for relaxation, reflection on the work you’ve done, and spending time with friends, family, or just good people. It is the last gasp of summer, so try to enjoy some outside time if you can. Appreciate yourself, appreciate your coworkers, and appreciate all the hard work that has been done in this world to make it a holiday to be celebrated! Want to stay up to date with all things RiverBluff Collective? SIGN UP for their email group to be sent the latest deals and articles as they become available.