Earth Day and RiverBluff: The Search for Sustainability 

Earth Day and RiverBluff: The Search for Sustainability 

April houses every cannconsumer’s favorite holiday, 4/20, but that is not the only day worth celebrating in April. 4/20 may be fun but Earth Day may be far more important. Earth Day reminds us of how delicate our planet is and encourages us to be better people. In this article, we will cover a brief history of Earth Day, how RiverBluff strives to be sustainable, and the things you can do to make yourself more sustainable. 

History of Earth Day 

Growing concern for environmental harm due to advancing industrialization in the 1960’s led to an increase in environmental activism. On April 22, 1970, Wisconsin Seneator Gaylord Nelson, with help from Harvard graduate student, Denis Hayes, organized the first Earth Day. 20 million people participated nationwide in the first Earth Day and their unity led to the passing of meaningful legislation such as the updated Clean Air Act in 1970 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Focusing on global warming and renewable resources, the formation of Earth Day led to advances in recycling and renewable energy as well as focusing on conservation. 1 

Earth Day and RiverBluff: The Search for Sustainability

How RiverBluff Plays Its Part 

RiverBluff entered the Cannabis market devoted to being environmentally conscious. Any product we produce that can be packaged in an environmentally friendly way is packaged that way. Our pre-roll tubes, D9 Blended Gummy jars ( D9/CBG and D9/CBN versions), and flower jar lids are made with home compostable materials by utilizing a blend of biopolymers (PHA2) that break down in microbial environments. We also chose to use glass, rather than plastic, for our flower jars and lemonade bottles to make them more easily recyclable. The cannabis industry isn’t the best in this area as carts and disposable pens have grown in popularity. This is leading to more batteries being thrown away than any point in history, so it is of the utmost importance for everyone in the industry and enjoying the products to do their part to be more eco-friendly.  

How You Can Play Your Part 

If you use any products that are home compostable, compost them. If you are using any products that use glass, recycle them. We know those tasks can seem tedious but please don’t just throw these products away. If you can’t recycle, upcycle! Our jars can be used for storage of all sorts. Don’t need storage? You could get artsy. If you build a giant weed leaf out of upcycled industry packaging, you might be able to go viral on socials for a minute. The point is if you can’t recycle or compost there are other options than simply throwing things away. Have a happy Earth Day. 

Read All About it! RiverBluff Back in the News Again! 

Read All About it! RiverBluff Back in the News Again! 

RiverBluff was recently featured in the BizBuz section of the Dubuque Telegraph Herald! 

Our new Iowa location will be home to our headquarters, distribution center, production facility, and a new retail location with a consumption lounge (coming soon!). It has taken a lot of time and hard work to get to this point and we are thrilled to be in Iowa! 

Thank you to the Telegraph Herald for shining a light on our business and our move into the Magnolia building – excited doesn’t even begin to cover how we are feeling about this move! 

The opportunity to spread cannabis/hemp knowledge on both sides of the Mississippi and finally provide a safe place for consumption of edible and drinkable THC has been incredible, and ultimately a step towards our ultimate mission of total accessibility in the Midwest. We want to drive the conversation on cannabis/hemp in the area and the consumption lounge is the perfect place for likeminded people to discuss their ideas!. 

Thank you to the city of Dubuque for welcoming us, and we hope you’re ready for us Dubuque because we are ready for you! Three cheers for good times ahead. 🌿  

How is THC legal in Iowa?

How is THC legal in Iowa?

How is THC legal in Iowa? The Cedar Rapids Gazette dug deep into the hemp culture of Iowa to find out what products are out there, how to keep legality top-of-mind, and why more Iowans are turning to THC and Delta-9 products (like RiverBluff THC products!) to relax. 

From the Gazette: 

“RiverBluff Collective, a manufacturer and retailer in East Dubuque, Illinois, sees a growing trend in Iowa. This spring, the company plans to open its new headquarters in Dubuque’s trending Millwork District, where it hopes to capitalize on the growing popularity of hemp. 

Dealing in both traditional cannabis and newer hemp-based THC products, owner Ali Gansemer sees a stronger trajectory for growth with hemp-based THC than with the recreational cannabis market in Illinois. 

‘Just having an open market and the ability to sell into states that don’t have (legal recreational cannabis) opens the door for bigger expansion,” she said. “Consumers like the ability to go into a store and not have to walk past security guards to purchase very similar products.” 

Read the full article here! 

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