Most people who smoke joints eventually want to try out something new and more intense. An infused joint would be their perfect next step! An infused joint is a pre-rolled cannabis joint that is enhanced with additional cannabis extracts like hash, kief, or live resin. Some burn great and some not so much, but no one denies their effectiveness. Infused pre-rolls are heavy hitters and more costly due to their infusion of cannabis concentrates, but what if you could make them yourself? Would it be cheaper? Would it burn more consistently? Yes, and yes but constantly doesn’t necessarily mean consistently better. That will depend on the time and care you put into your creation. So, kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about making some concentrate infused stuff! 

The Parfait (Cone) 

The parfait is the easiest to produce infused pre-roll by far. Let’s start at packing a cone first. You pack a cone like a little musket. Put ground herb in top and use the stick to pack it. Repeat until desired smoking size then twist and fire. To make the parfait, you do the same process but will add in the concentrate of your choice at the dosage you want. The best parfaits seem to be 5 layers going from herb to concentrate to herb to concentrate, to herb. You’ll want to use a dryer concentrate like sand, bubble hash, or some badders.

The Snake (Hand Rolled) 

The snake bumps up the difficulty a notch as you’ll need to know how to hand roll. We won’t be going over how to roll a joint here as there are a thousand ways to roll a joint by hand and videos explaining how to do most of them. The best advice is to pick your method and watch it be done multiple times. Get some wraps and herb and vow not to smoke until you roll something worthy of smoking. With that said, when you lay your herb into your paper put a line of whatever concentrate you prefer in and twist it up. You can use less dry concentrates here as the herb will get coated as rolling. Speaking of coating… 

The Coating 

There is another easy way to infuse your pre-roll and it is as simple as it sounds. Once you have your pre-roll prepared, use a wetter stickier concentrate and give your roll a light coating. Then take a dryer concentrate and roll the now sticky joint in it to give it a new outside texture. These are tougher to dose, so be careful when preparing and firing up! 

The Doom Bringer 

This method takes all you’ve learned thus far and rolls it into one. It also is the easiest to explain because you’ve learned all the methods already! Take your parfait or snake and give it the coating method. This is the hardest to perfect though as getting a pre-roll with that much concentrate to burn correctly is a lot like asking your pet to do the dishes. It is probably never going to be perfect, but it should get better with practice! 

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