Most people have a dream smoke spot but one of the most elusive has to be The White House. It is possibly the most protected place on the planet, yet tales of toking on the property have come up multiple times. RiverBluff Collective rummaged through those stories to find the most legendary and noteworthy, the most obvious, and the most peculiar. No matter where your dream spot is to smoke, it is attainable because of these stories. No place is out of reach if you put your mind to it! Kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some legendary weed stuff.

Willie Nelson
The most known face in cannabis history hands down! Stories of his tour buses getting raided became comic fodder in the 1990s. Celebrities and politicians alike love him. Songs have been written about smoking with like I’ll Never Smoke Weed with Willie Again! By Scott Emerick and the late Tobey Keith. Stories of Willie Nelson enjoying a good high are widely known but none more so than his trip to The White House roof. Willie told a story about how he and one of The White House staff went onto the roof and smoked a joint. It became the myth of legend but was recently confirmed by the most credible source possible, Jimmy Carter! In a documentary titled Jimmy Carter: Rock & Roll President “When Willie Nelson wrote his autobiography, he proclaimed that he smoked pot in the White House one night when he was spending the night with me, and he says that his companion that shared the pot with him was one of the servants in the White House. That is not exactly true — it actually was one of my sons, which he didn’t want to categorize as a pot-smoker like him.” In the late 1970s the stigma was still very real, and Willie didn’t want to have Chip Carter’s life held back if people knew so he lied.

Snoop Dogg
Possibly the second most recognized toker of all time, Snoop was bound to be on this list. The slick rap icon is well known for his advocacy for the plant. Heather B from SiriusXM interviewed Snoop in 2016 and asked, “Where is the ‘one place’ he’d always wanted to smoke but never thought he’d get the chance?” Snoop quickly replied, “The White House.” Snoop was then pressed for further details and was eager to tell the story stating, “So we at the White House, you understand me, for a celebration or what not, for Herbie Hancock. So, we had a little dinner and I’m like, ‘where the bathroom at?’ they like,‘It’s over there’. So, I’m like, ‘Alright cool’. Slide over to the bathroom. I look around, check the surroundings, make sure there ain’t no CIA around. Light up some tissue, just to see if anything gonna happen, tissue works. Boom. Next thing I do is pull that thing out of my sock.” He then went on to smoke until he heard someone coming his way. Stories like this make Snoop the legend he is!

This one may be obvious or completely blindsiding. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is revered by many and hated by others. He was a war hero but also a serial philanderer. His tragic assassination has left history one of the greatest what ifs in American history. During his extramarital affairs he entered a sexual relationship with American socialite Mary Meyer, the ex-wife of a top CIA agent and close friend to Jackie Kennedy. In the summer of 1962, JFK “joked” about wanting to smoke some pot. Meyer is believed to have obtained the pot from Washinton Post executive Jim Truitt. She brought 6 joints, and the president smoked three of them claiming he didn’t feel anything. He then closed his eyes, refused a fourth, and realized he was HAF, to use the parlance of our times. Now stoned, the president allegedly babbled in a concerned manner, “Imagine if the Russians tried something now.” He then supposedly stated to Mary, “This pot isn’t like cocaine. I’ll get you some cocaine.” For a guy who was a hero in the Navy, he missed the boat on that one.
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