Summertime has kicked into full gear, and RiverBluff Collective wants to help you make the most of your time in the warm weather while it lasts. What better way to smoke on the move than the good old fashioned joint or cannabis pre-roll, as they are now called? Pre-rolls are concealable, easily portable, single use and more eco-friendly than anything battery operated. The classics become classics for a reason! When you’re on the move and looking for a goodtime, RiverBluff Collective has all your cannabis needs (and even some stellar tips on where to enjoy them!) So, kick back in the cut, fire one up, and let’s learn about some fun things to do while high on weed.

This one may be cliche but remember what was said about classics! The weather is nice outside so enjoy it while you can. You could take a walk around the block a few times and get roughly the same amount of exercise, but where is the adventurous spirit in that? A hike in the wild is good for reflection and a peaceful place to toke.
Separating from the urban and suburban settings many live in can help people disconnect, even if for just a few hours, and reminds us how many of our problems aren’t as big as we think. Feeling even some of your worries melt away is priceless! The Mines of Spain are beautiful this time of year and filled with enough trails to burn through more than one day. If you are looking for more of a quick hike, a march out to either of the points at Chestnut Mountain Resort provides some of the most breathtaking views of the Mississippi River you can find. RiverBluff suggests an Apple Tart pre-roll for your journey.

Camping is just extreme hiking! Disconnecting for a little bit can melt worries away but being disconnected for a long duration can do wonders for your confidence. Leaving the house knowing you will have to find a place to sleep & make food without modern luxuries, all while carrying everything you will need on your back, is a humbling experience. No better time to uplift the situation than by lighting up! Whether choosing a traditional campsite or just hiking and suddenly deciding you’ve found a good place to set up camp for the night, nothing beats looking up at the stars before falling asleep and wondering what else is out there. That’s right! You transition right from hiking into camping into thinking about aliens. A joint will be necessary. Most of the cool campgrounds are on the banks of the Mississippi so they can only be used when the water level is down. That puts them out of commission a lot, but if you get a weekend, they are open! Check out Miller Riverview Park & Campground, Frentress Marina and Resort, or choose one you like from this list. Luckily, most of us know someone with a yard and every yard can be a campground when motivated! It is extended hiking so bring multiple Apple Tart pre-rolls!

Float On a River or Lake
Hiking and camping both involve a lot of walking in extreme heat. Not everyone is down for that, so why not do the complete opposite? Outside to beat the heat on or in the water is the best place to be. Floating on water, stoned, relaxing in the sun, is a very freeing experience as the water pulls you along. This is the cheapest, lowest effort option available on RiverBluff’s list. Get an innertube, floaties, or any other inflatable object and find water. You’ll be floating and relaxing with a cannabis pre-roll in your mouth in no time at all. Remember, wear a lifejacket people! There are rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams everywhere including one of the largest rivers in the world right outside East Dubuque. If you don’t pack a Cereal Milk preroll, you might just be fruit loops.

Find A Weird Spot to Chill
Ditch your comfort zone and go people watching someplace weird! One of the best parts about this planet is no matter where you are there is someplace weird nearby. Most people go to the normal sites, so you see the same type of people you always see, and they are always crowded with normies. You’ll meet interesting people in weird places almost without fail. If you want to venture slightly out of state, The House on the Rock is absolutely amazing! A cavalcade of oddities and mysterious items, it served as one of the settings for Neil Gaiman’s bestselling novel, American Gods. If that doesn’t trip your fancy, just google strange places and take your pick. The Mathias Ham House isn’t as weird but it is creepy which is just as good. Not many places stranger than Hollywood, so you had best pack an LA Kush Cake pre-roll for your adventure.

Get Lost in a Museum
As the temperatures rise you may be in search of air conditioning! You know who has this? Museums! Do you want to take a good hike in a nice temperature-controlled room? The places are huge. Want to see the stars? A lot of them have a room for that specific purpose. You don’t need to get wet to stay cool when air conditioning exists! You want to see weird and strange things? That is exclusively what museums show off. Get lit and get lost in a museum. Burn some calories, stay cool without getting wet, and learn about something you wouldn’t have before. No better place in the area than National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium! If you’re spending the day inside to chill out, start it off with a Sundae Driver pre-roll.
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